Time to pick wild flowers at the Midsummer Night, weave wreaths, decorate the house, sing Midsummer songs and make your own caraway cheese.
  • 2 l milk, preferably full-fat and unpasteurised
  • 1 tbsp striped salt
  • 400 ml Smiltene Piens sour cream 20%
  • 6 eggs
  • 2 tbsps caraway seeds (or as much as desired)
  • cheese-cloth

Bring the milk and salt to the boil at 90°C, or until the milk starts to rise. Whisk the cream with the eggs and caraway seeds. Pour the mixture into the milk in a thin stream, stirring gently, and cook for 3-4 minutes, until the whey has separated and large lumps have formed. Pour the finished cheese mixture into cheesecloth, drain, tie in a cheesecloth, leave in a colander and place under a weight (about 30 minutes at room temperature). Then remove from the cheesecloth and refrigerate.

Preparation process
End result