Grill season is here and a veal burger with smoked Provolone cheese could be the perfect accompaniment to a sunny holiday or a Mother's Day celebration.
Ingredients (for four burgers)
  • Minced veal ham 600gr
  • 2 tbsp BBQ sauce
  • 2 tbsp ketchup sauce
  • Black pepper
  • 2 tbsp Ghee butter
For serving
  • 4 Brioche buns
  • 4 tbsp roasted onions
  • 16 fresh pickled cucumbers, in slices
  • 4 tbsp, garlic aioli sauce
  • 4 tbsp BBQ sauce
  • 4 smoked Provolone cheese slices, thick

Put the minced veal in a bowl, then add the sauces and pepper. Mix the meat thoroughly and form 4 equal balls. Leave the meat this way for about 30 minutes. Then heat a frying pan or the grill and flatten it to about 3 cm thick and the width of a bun. The thicker the meatball, the juicier it will cook. Brush the meat with ghee butter and fry for about 3 minutes on each side. Place the fried onions and a slice of cheese on top, leave in the heat so that the cheese starts to melt. Cut the brioche bread in half and fry on the grill or in a frying pan, then spread with aioli, top with the meat and cheese and a few slices of cucumber, brush the hat with BBQ sauce and place over the top. The burger is ready to be served.

Preparation process
End result